Sunday, January 15, 2012

McDowell Meltdown

Heavens only knows why.  Why on earth I would wake up at 5 am, pack up three boys *and Brian* and drive two plus hours to Fountain Hills for a Mountain Bike race.  Part of me knew it would be a nightmare of all nightmares, but the other good mommy part of me (it really does exist, I swear it does) knew the boys would love it.  I knew it would be a battle and I am not referring to the race part.

Truth be told, the boys were angels during Brian's race.  Rad just sat in my chair and Rodney ate 7 packs of fruit snacks.  We yelled at the racers "up, up" to urge them onward and baby Rex, being his usual little angel, just slept.  He cried for a little while, but mostly he ate and slept.

Brian did okay.  He wasn't happy with his performance but we also did not realize we would have to hike 19 miles to the start with three kids and all their crap.  Had I known I would have brought the BOB.  Lesson learned, I suppose.

We waited around for about an hour or so after Brian finished for the kids bike race.  Konrad was pretty pumped for it.  He got a new bike for his Birthday last week and he has been practicing.  On the take off he fell and got real pissed.  I mean real pissed.  After that he was in a terrible mood and not at all pleasant to be around.  Thankfully he fell asleep on the way home, after stopping at Fountain Park, chasing the ducks and watching the "Big Wawa" (thank you, Rodney Roo).

I don't know how many more of the races I will haul the boys to, but I at least gave it a whirl.  I will be recovering for the next week.  My children, as lovely as they are, are exhausting.  But, dang, they are as cute as can be!

1 comment:

Kayla said...