Saturday, October 17, 2009

Scripture Case

So I searched far and wide for a pattern for a scripture case. I don't know why I was obsessed with finding one, but anyhow, I was. I found one pattern from a girl named Tricia and she sent me her pattern. It looked way too complicated so I endeavored to make my own. Here is what I came up with in two hours on Wednesday afternoon.

If you google "cripture case pattern" you will be linked to Tricia's pattern (of whom I have not met...just blog-stalked). If anyone googled it and got my blog, email me and I will send you directions and the pattern. I think it turned out really cute. The only thing I would change is that I would make it a tiny bigger so that I could put my JS manual in it. But let's be honest...I have an entire diaper bag, a backpack full of church toys and other various things, am I really gonna be able to 1. carry all that stuff and my scriptures or 2. make it through RS long enough to open my JS manual. Probably not to both of those.


Adam and Nikki said...

That turned out really cute. I want one. I am sewing incapable. But I think I just may have to try. Miss you.

Steve and Sarah said...

I am going to attempt to makeone. The pattern and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! What type of fabric did you use?

Mamie Coffey said...

ok, I am looking for a scripture case pattern. My daughter turns 8 this month! We give our kids their own set of scriptures and I want to give her a case with it. Can you send me the instructions/pattern? Please?

mv said...

Hi Emily,

I'm interested in your pattern. How do I get a copy of your pattern? :o)
