I took the boyz on a bike tour of Wauwatosa today. We got loaded up on mommie's pink Trek, the Burley and lots of fruit snacks and apples (see previous post) for Rodney. I figure that if their mouths are full, there won't be too much crying. First, we stopped at Hartung Park for a quick play. Another pic of Rodney in a swing. He likes to swing. I like to take pix of him swinging. He is cute. Therefore, lots of pix.
Our next stop (besides doing some church business) was at Hart Park. Again, some more playing (this time in sand) and swinging. After Hart Park, Rodney decided to escape his buckle in the Burley and stood up for some of the ride. Note: this is VERY dangerous. Do not allow 1 year old's to do such things. Then we rode over my favorite bridge and took a pic.
We stayed at said bridge so Rad could watch a train cross the bridge. He thinks that is pretty awesome. Me? Bored me to tears. We kept going along Menomonee River Parkway following this trail.

I run this trail nearly every day, except for the week it was flooded beyond recognition about a month ago.
Our next stop was to the Fire Station. What else can I say? Firetrucks, sirens, all the same. The funny thing was that Konrad asked the fire man if he could do the fire pole. He is obsessed with fire poles. He's a weird kid.
Next stop was the Wauwatosa Library. We didn't make it for story time, but we did read some fire truck books and looked in vain for Thomas the Train books. Those must be popular. They were all checked out.
It is very beautiful here in WI. The leaves have started to turn, so fall is on its way.
Our last stop was to Donald's (that's Mc for all of yuz that haven't talked to Rad lately). We stoped at Enderis park across our street and played (swinged) some more. It was so fun...until Rad crapped his pants. Accidents happen, that's what they say.
Here's the boyz (poopless, at this point).
YES! I know all about the Menonmeeieien, except I don't know how to spell their name.
Wow, you live in a beautiful place!
Boy that is sure a nice bike, someone must love you for painting it for you.
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