Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Not Dead...yet.

Yes, the Kleinman's are still alive and living on this planet.  I realize it has been three months since I have blogged.  Since when has the keeping of a web log (blog) been verb-ed?  Perhaps it was in the three months that I have not blogged (sorry)...( about using the word blogged, not about not blogging).  Here is what I have been up to, not that anyone really cares.  But I do know this:  I have blog spies.  I am not paranoid.  Okay, maybe a little.  It seems that EVERYWHERE I go people comment on one of two things.  1.  Why haven't I BLOGGED (sorry again) lately? 2.  How do I have the time to make so much stuff?  Also, these people don't usually leave comments, so therefore and foreunto, I have people spying on me. Back to my list of crap I have been doing lately, well, in the past three months.
1.  Chasing around two kiddies.
2.  Lots of running.  I am training for two races this summer and one this fall.
3.  My computer is eff'd.  No, seriously, eff'd.  Everytime I get on my 'puter, it crashes.  If I am lucky it completely fails to restart itself.  Hence, how can I BLOG if I don't have a computer?  Please see #4 for the answer.
4.  I got an iPod touch.  I no longer need to use my computer to surf the web.  If I am not at my computer the compulsion to BLOG is lessened.  Plus, the web runs so far and wide.  I am searching for the end of the web.
5.  Went to San Diego back in April for a sweet vacay.  It was excellent.  I should post some pix.
6.  Sister got married at the end of May.  I went to AZ for the event and stayed for a week and a half.  It was a good trip filled with wedding stuff, riding a fire truck, meeting up with some old friends and enjoying the heat.
7.  I plain ol' just don't care.  I have been sewing like a maniac.  I would rather sew than blog.  That goes without saying.

Anyhowzit, I am going to try and post some pix at a different time.  Like I said, my 'puter is eff'd to the abitlity to upload pix comes and goes.


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