Thursday, February 11, 2010


I made this little ditty in 1.5 hours during naptime on Tuesday. It is for my neighbor/friend/soon-to-be cousin-in-law, Kayla (thanks to Uncle Claude;). I should say that I finished everything but attaching the button because I ran out of thread. I had JUST enough thread to finish hand-sewing the top. I hate that. I hope it never happens again.

As you may remember, dear readers, that I made a scripture case for my own self a few months back. Well, it was kind of awesome and I had a few request(icles) to make some more. Only this time, I had a better plan. I just changed a few things, like made it bigger to hold various church manuals, iPhones, candy, chapstick, you know, the essentials.

The fabric we got at Joann in the clearance section. I think we spent more on the button than we did on the fabric. The fabric cost like $.75. Can't beat that! What makes this a real beaut is the lining. The button was like $3. Whatever, it is pretty sweet. Plus, I am checking off #8. Go me!!!

Also, a big thanks to Konrad, my lovely model who is not wearing pants in that pic. But really, who needs pants when you are wearing Lightening McQueen?

1 comment:

Los Shepherds said...

I love konrad's hand pose.