I loathe New Year's resolutions. I mean, we (not me, I don't believe in them) make them while knowing full well that we really have no intention to follow through with them. Who is still trying to "lose that last 10 lbs" for the last 10 years? Not me.
I do, however, make lists. I love lists. It makes me feel useful. I especially like checking things off lists. I tend to get overwhelmed with things I need to do and it makes me feel a ton better to make a list. The list is usually never as long as it seems in my head. And the best part? Checking things off!! How many times in one paragraph can I say list? Lots....
I just celebrated my 29th birthday, which is Jan. 8, so I guess I make lists and goals around my bday. I guess you could argue that my BDay list is a NYR. Whatever. Just read my list.
1. Going to Beautify my life. If I had to sum up what I want to accomplish this year in one word, it would be Beautify. Please see numbers 2-10.
2. Finish hand stitching the binding on my quilt. Sidenote: I have approximately 25 more minutes to spend stitching till I am done. I am sure this will be checked off this list by sundown Saturday night.
3. Ruffle necklaces. CHECK!!! I will post pix later.
4. Wedding quilt. I am not gonna say who this is for, but it might be for a sister. That is getting married in May. Her name starts with a J.
5. Civil War quilt for Mom. She loves Americana, I have tons of Civil War fabric. Seems to be the logical thing to do.
6. April's quilt entitled "Lady Madonna" by Abby Lane Quilts. Pattern and fabric in hand. Time to follow.
7. Camera straps using my FAIL quilt blocks. Unfortunately I have plenty of them. Hey, I am a beginner, albeit an ADVANCED beginner. I have two awesome people in mind who will be recieving these gems. ONe of said people lurks my blog all the time and also happens to live above me. The other one is related to me.
8. Scripture cases for neighbor and for sister. Perhaps one for myself.
9. Christmas scrapbook. Today I got all the pix edited and filed. Now I just have to print and glue.
10. Start quilt for 10th anniversary. I will need all the time I can get. I do have the fabric and a design in mind. I am going to do the frienship braid quilt with scattered various star blocks that I am learning to make in said ADVANCED beginner quilt class.
11. Write letters to all of the people in my life, past and present that I love. You know those people you meet that you just, you know, LOVE? Those special peep's you are certain you knew in another life? I also have a running list of those people. I really do love listicles. I also love adding "isticles" to anything with a "st". It just makes me laugh.
12. Abby Lane purse. It is just awesome. AWESOME.
13. Make a patchwork bag for Apypoo. This one'll be easy. Hopefully.
14. Felty robot for Konrad. Again, fabric/pattern in hand. Now all I need is time and maybe two more hands.
15. Grow two, maybe three more hands.
16. Keep running. That's not really a goal. Gotta lose those "last 10 lbs" (see what I did there? I can be witty). Maybe I'll sign up at a gym. I am only kidding, of course. It's annoying those people who would sign up at the gym and come for 3 weeks then give up...and pay the gym $40 per month. Yet still get fatter and fatter.
I do, however, make lists. I love lists. It makes me feel useful. I especially like checking things off lists. I tend to get overwhelmed with things I need to do and it makes me feel a ton better to make a list. The list is usually never as long as it seems in my head. And the best part? Checking things off!! How many times in one paragraph can I say list? Lots....
I just celebrated my 29th birthday, which is Jan. 8, so I guess I make lists and goals around my bday. I guess you could argue that my BDay list is a NYR. Whatever. Just read my list.
1. Going to Beautify my life. If I had to sum up what I want to accomplish this year in one word, it would be Beautify. Please see numbers 2-10.
2. Finish hand stitching the binding on my quilt. Sidenote: I have approximately 25 more minutes to spend stitching till I am done. I am sure this will be checked off this list by sundown Saturday night.
3. Ruffle necklaces. CHECK!!! I will post pix later.
4. Wedding quilt. I am not gonna say who this is for, but it might be for a sister. That is getting married in May. Her name starts with a J.
5. Civil War quilt for Mom. She loves Americana, I have tons of Civil War fabric. Seems to be the logical thing to do.
6. April's quilt entitled "Lady Madonna" by Abby Lane Quilts. Pattern and fabric in hand. Time to follow.
7. Camera straps using my FAIL quilt blocks. Unfortunately I have plenty of them. Hey, I am a beginner, albeit an ADVANCED beginner. I have two awesome people in mind who will be recieving these gems. ONe of said people lurks my blog all the time and also happens to live above me. The other one is related to me.
8. Scripture cases for neighbor and for sister. Perhaps one for myself.
9. Christmas scrapbook. Today I got all the pix edited and filed. Now I just have to print and glue.
10. Start quilt for 10th anniversary. I will need all the time I can get. I do have the fabric and a design in mind. I am going to do the frienship braid quilt with scattered various star blocks that I am learning to make in said ADVANCED beginner quilt class.
11. Write letters to all of the people in my life, past and present that I love. You know those people you meet that you just, you know, LOVE? Those special peep's you are certain you knew in another life? I also have a running list of those people. I really do love listicles. I also love adding "isticles" to anything with a "st". It just makes me laugh.
12. Abby Lane purse. It is just awesome. AWESOME.
13. Make a patchwork bag for Apypoo. This one'll be easy. Hopefully.
14. Felty robot for Konrad. Again, fabric/pattern in hand. Now all I need is time and maybe two more hands.
15. Grow two, maybe three more hands.
16. Keep running. That's not really a goal. Gotta lose those "last 10 lbs" (see what I did there? I can be witty). Maybe I'll sign up at a gym. I am only kidding, of course. It's annoying those people who would sign up at the gym and come for 3 weeks then give up...and pay the gym $40 per month. Yet still get fatter and fatter.
17. Make felty picnic set for kiddies. They will love it!
Enough listicles for now. I obviously have a lot of work to do.
Good night moon and spies.
Enough listicles for now. I obviously have a lot of work to do.
Good night moon and spies.
1 comment:
I like to think that Im party responsible for number 3, and also involved in number 7. I love your list, too bad we cant be closer to do it together!
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